If you are likely to be in self-quarantine when you arrive in Australia, do not worry we can still assist you with relocation services. During this awful time we have been delivering virtual relocation services including virtual orientation, virtual home search and virtual settling -in. We have assisted with relocation services in Australia including everything from orientation through to home search, car purchase through to childcare placement and all virtually! We have also assisted with virtual departure services before a move to Australia. Whether you are moving to Melbourne, relocating to Sydney or moving to any of our Australian cities ask us how we can assist you. We are always happy to discuss our services and in these difficult times we all have more time for having a chat!

Relocation experiences and advice on Moving or Relocating to Australia.
go back to -> http://www.eliteexecutiveservices.com.au
Friday, 1 May 2020
Repatriation Services for Returning Employees
When expatriates take on an overseas assignment they are generally well supported in every aspect however, a number of repatriating employees report feeling undervalued on their return as they struggle to put together their lives in a now somewhat unfamiliar environment. While their household goods are still in transit across the sea many repatriates are left to find a new home and schools or childcare for their children in a market that they previously may not have navigated through before they left, all whilst one parent may be at work or trying to work from ‘home’ and another looking for employment. Throw into the mix all the challenges which have been brought about by Covid-19 and you have a very stressful situation.
What can companies do to make sure that their returning expatriates feel valued? Provide support. As a relocation company we see companies support their employees and families navigate a repatriation like they would an overseas assignment and then those who choose view an employees repatriation as an opportunity to show self-sufficiency! The value of an employee rich in overseas experience should not be forgotten and it is often the case that the lack of support from the company can often be the trigger to move to another employer taking and in turn taking their experience with them.
Keeping the repatriating employees informed.
We believe it is important to keep in touch with the repatriating employee and family to understand their concerns and to be very clear about what they will face on arrival in their country of origin. Will they need to self-quarantine or, will the government put them into accommodation for 14 days? Do they understand the limits of what they can do and where, if anywhere, they can go. Do they understand the limitations in regards to arriving into one state and moving to the next? Are they going to be able to visit family and friends? Our relocation consultants offer the employee and their family that level of support in guiding them through this process and ensuring they are stayed informed of any updates and changes throughout their arrival.
Support during quarantine
After the frantic activity associated with any repatriation the thought of 14 days in a confined space sometimes with young children can be demoralising. This is the time to offer some structure to the employee and family. As well as gradually reintroducing the employee to what is happening within the workplace this can also be a time for supporting spouses with career counselling if they are looking for work opportunities. It is also a great time for our relocation consultants to discuss strategies for immersion into the local community and to work through any unfamiliar environments that come with repatriating expatriates having to reinvent their lives. If the family have no house to return to this is a time that we can begin that process of finding a home by conducting consultations and working virtually with the employee. Discussions regarding schools, children’s childcare or activities for all members of the family can also take place at this time to keep everyone on track and excited for the task ahead of them.
During this difficult time Elite Woodhams Relocation is happy to speak to companies about making sure they are adequately supporting repatriating employees.
Monday, 23 March 2020
Departure Services and Repatriation Services
In these very difficult times we find ourselves in we are helping those who are needing to leave Australia or return from overseas back to Australia in a hurry. People need to just get on a plane and that sometimes means leaving things behind. Our consultants are actually taking charge of what needs to be sent overseas or, in Australia, sometimes interstate; what needs to be donated and what needs to be dispensed with. We are there for the house clean, the walk through if it is a rental property, to help with finalising everything for property handover and make lives simpler in difficult times. Let us know if this can help you or one of your employees.
At the other end if you need a home and are in self quarantine we can assist virtually. We visit the homes and our client’s are with us on the end of the phone.
Kathy Nunn
Non-Executive Director
Sunday, 15 September 2019
Why you should think about relocating to Australia.
If you
are thinking of relocating to Australia and unsure then there are lots of
things to consider. Do your homework and look at the statistics but in brief
here are some pointers:
Australia is seeing stronger job creation and unemployment figures are down.
Across the states there is good incentive and support for setting up business.
Australian crime rates are low
Australia boost some of the best education in the world
Australian transport in the cities is among the best and safest in the world
Australian housing is of good quality. Close to cities housing is relatively
expensive but if you are prepared to live a little further out or in
regional areas then housing affordability is good.
Much of Australia is stunningly beautiful and a huge drawcard is clean air and
the purity of the water.
Australians value work life balance.
One of
the best ways to evaluate Australia is to come to see for yourself. Ask us
about an orientation which will give incredible insight into living Downunder!.
Saturday, 11 November 2017
Why are good rentals so hard to find and why is it even harder to be accepted on one?
The photos of the property on the internet
were very promising. It was clear that a wide angled lens had been used to make
the rooms look larger and it was a slight worry that there were no kitchen or
bathroom shots but it had the right number of bedrooms, seemed light and bright
and seemed reasonably priced. The open for inspection was a 5.30pm right in the
middle of peak traffic but off I drove leaving enough time to be able to be one
of the first to get through in the 15 minute allocated time slot. I was wrong.
As I drove past the home a line had already formed outside the rental and with
15 minutes to go before the agent let people through, a parking spot was hard to
find. I observed the opposition with interest. The first in line were a couple
who were openly smoking as they leant against the wall. On the whole landlords
are not keen on smokers. Couple two was a colorful pair sporting tattoos further
drawn to attention by the short skirt in one case and the shorts and vest in
the others. Property managers often read tattoos to mean wild parties: best to
cover up for the viewing. Sadly, the other nine parties in front of me looked
fine contenders for the Excellent Tenant’ award and even more sadly of the 12
parties going through, only one was
going to be offered a tenancy.
So why is there so much competition for
good rental properties? There are many reasons why and one of the most obvious
is that our population is expanding. Our
cities can not keep pace with the number of newcomers who need accommodation
and the shortage of quality tradesmen means that our construction of new
dwellings is lagging behind the demand. In addition property prices have been
at an all time high so many landlords have taken the opportunity to sell their
property when it comes to the end of a lease, this depleting the pool of rental
properties available. A substantial number of these properties are left vacant
rather than being rented out. Many who decide to put their home on the market
choose to rent while the wait for the bubble to burst, again putting strain on
the rental market and some young singles, couples and families simply can not
afford to buy into the inflated market. Next we are in uncertain times and
therefore Australians who are usually willing to travel overseas to take a job
are sitting firmly where they are and so the usual lovely properties which
would become vacant while the owner is being an expat are now not becoming available.
So all in all it is a tough market with
Sydney being also one of the most expensive rental markets in the world and
Melbourne having a vacancy rate of around 1.1% which is extremely tight. If you
are looking for a rental property you need to put your best foot forward and be
prepared to make a shortlist rather than assuming you will get the first
property you apply for.
Friday, 4 August 2017
Is it worth moving everything with you?
We are
wonderful accumulators of 'stuff' and when you are moving interstate or
overseas that ‘stuff’ can cost you dearly. Years ago when companies were more
generous with removals allowances there was little thought about what you would
bring with you on a corporate relocation but now when household removals are so
expensive and it is relatively easy to purchase items online or from companies
such as IKEA it is becoming less common to ship everything.
Trends which is published by AMSA noted that in 2016 shipment totals were down
by 5.2%, a decline that has been progressively noticeable since 2013. Meanwhile
the Corporate Account sector represents
a greater decline at 6.7% less annually.
It is not
only the cost of the shipment itself which is expensive but the cost of the
insurance which if your goods are valuable can be extremely expensive. Whenever
you are moving goods in a container from one place to another there is likely
to be some damage: these items were not made to withstand being hauled from
country to country squashed between other items which push against them.
Before you
decide to take your things overseas have a really good think about what you are
not likely to use ever again and either sell or donate those items. Rarely used
items will be expensive to move and limit where you are able to live at the
other end. Moving is an opportunity to take a serious look at your wardrobe,
your book shelf, unused wedding presents and duplicates of kitchen items you
brought along with you when you first shared a home! Have a quick look online
to see what new sofas and the larger furniture items would cost you and how
much you might reasonably sell these for secondhand.
your things can take 12 weeks to cross the seas and get cleared by customs and
in that time you are either paying for serviced accommodation or renting
furniture: by this time you would have saved a fortune to have bought new.
Certain electrical items and whitegoods are not suitable for travel and do not
work well in the new country so this is something it is not worth bringing with
afresh is a liberating experience and not as difficult as it may seem these
days: it also allows you to choose furniture suitable for the place you decide
to move into rather than choosing the place you live in based on what is coming
from where you lived last!
Monday, 16 May 2016
The Newcomer’s Guide to Australia: Innovative Ways to Spend Your Time
Oftentimes, when you move somewhere new you
have a grace period before starting your new job. In the meantime, you’re
trying to settle in and acclimate to your new surroundings.
I’m dealing with this now; I arrived in
Melbourne three months ago and I’m looking for my next job, so I totally
understand your dilemma! The worst thing is to sit in your room and stress
about all the things you have to do, or that you don’t have anything to do. The
best remedy for this anxiety is to get moving and involved in interesting
events and classes in your area as well as finding positive creative outlets
for yourself.
Here are some ideas, for newcomers of all
ages, on keeping busy and finding your grounding during the first few weeks in
your new home!
Finding a job:
This task can feel most overwhelming of
all, especially when you move somewhere with no personal connections. Fear no
more! There are a number of very helpful websites to get you started on a clear
and active job search. You can do a highly specific search on jobs in your
area, in your field of expertise and the type of contract or hours you prefer.
Here’s a list of great job-finding websites:
Ps. Here are two more ways to make an
income before work starts:
Uber: becoming an Uber driver is a great way to make some money
until your new job is settled. For more details visit www.uber.com
Have an amazing new business idea? You can now apply
for grants for innovative business ideas. Check out this article for more information: http://www.minister.industry.gov.au/ministers/roy/media-releases/46m-aussie-companies-storm-new-markets
What to do until work begins:
You have so many options! Read on…
If you choose so, you will never be bored
in Australia. No matter where you live, there are countless activities for
kids, teens and adults. I live in Melbourne, and I haven’t had one quiet
weekend since I moved in! Here are some ideas to keep you busy no matter where
you’re living, then I’ll give you a list of some adventures and events
throughout Australia.
work: great for all ages; a way to give back and connect
to your new community and make friends https://govolunteer.com.au/
Babysitting: teens! this is a great
way for you to make some money and keep busy when you first arrive. It could
also be a good way to meet people and new friends in your neighbourhood
Tutoring: this is a great job
opportunity for teens and allows them to give back to the community and make
new connections
Blogs: writing a blog about
your experiences is a great creative outlet and allows you to connect with
friends back home. You can include photos, cafes and bars you enjoyed and
stories about your first impressions of your new home.
groups/Meetup.com: joining
meetup.com and other local social groups is a fantastic way to make friends and
connections. Events in practically every category are available (arts, sports,
hiking, film, writing, etc.) http://www.meetup.com/
Workshops: Signing up for a
workshop is a great creative outlet and a perfect way to meet other likeminded
people. You can easily find workshops in writing, art, and more. http://www.work-shop.com.au/
courses: Your little pocket of free time could be the perfect
time to take a course in something you’ve always wanted to learn more about. Many of the universities throughout Australia
offer short or single courses in a wide variety of subjects. Here are just a
few options:
Arts and
crafts: Another fun activity is to get involved with arts
and crafts. You can find local classes, art groups and great art stores. Check
out meetup.com for art groups and workshops
Shopping: for your new home (and maybe a
little something for yourself...)
You just moved into your new place, so I’m
assuming you’ll need to pick up a few things to make your new home feel like
home. And perhaps you need to do a little bit of shopping before you start your
new job. Here are some great sites for incredible deals:
Trade Secret – you can find this store all throughout Australia. It offers
incredible deals on clothing, home décor and more. http://www.tradesecret.com.au/category/blog/
50 Best Online Shopping Sites – perfect for when you’re too busy (or exhausted!) to
leave your couch to go shopping. Tons of brands just a click away. http://www.finder.com.au/online-shopping
Mydeal.com.au – shop for everything from furniture to clothing to electronics. Its
all here and you can be sure you’ll find some great deals. http://www.mydeal.com.au/
IKEA – you can pretty
much never go wrong with IKEA. I’ve furnished full apartments with IKEA
furniture and it looks great. Affordable and beautiful. Plus, you can buy
lovely wine glasses for under $10...
Relax and browse: http://www.ikea.com/au/en/
My Furniture Store – great discount prices on every type of furniture. http://www.myfurniturestore.com.au/
Buy furniture online – 17 places to buy furniture online: http://www.finder.com.au/furniture-homewares
Sell Buy Swap – this is a great site to sell, buy and swap furniture and more.
Definitely worth a look! http://www.sellbuyswap.com.au/
Events for you… and the Kids!
Don’t forget about the
kids while you’re enjoying your online shopping and catching up on long
forgotten art courses! There are tons of activities you can do with your kids
before starting work. Here are some awesome events and activities for
Activities and Classes:
200 Things for Kids and Families to do in Melbourne: http://www.melbourneplaygrounds.com.au/melbourneplaygrounds-info.php?id=24192
Things to do in Melbourne with Kids:
Daily Ideas for Sydney Mums:
Kids events and classes:
Kids Events and Classes:
Kids Events and Classes:
http://www.bubhub.com.au/directory/find/kids-gym-drama-yoga-music-cooking-classes-perth-wa/ -- drama, yoga,
cooking and music for kids!
Kids Events and Classes:
http://www.bubhub.com.au/directory/find/kids-gym-drama-yoga-music-cooking-classes-adelaide-sa/ -- drama, yoga,
cooking and music for kids!
Kids Events and Classes:
· http://www.bubhub.com.au/directory/find/kids-gym-drama-yoga-music-cooking-classes-darwin-nt/ -- cooking and yoga
for kids
Kids Events and Classes:
Kids Events and Classes:
I hope these tips help you fill your newfound free time, keep you
thinking positive and allow you to enjoy your new home. I wish you the best of
luck on settling in, exploring the city, and of course, finding the perfect
furniture. Adventure on!
Elite Cultural Discovery assists you with
every aspect of your move to a different country where you will live like a
local with all the support or as little support as you need to fit right
in. www.eliteculturaldiscovery.com
As a world traveler from
birth, Rahel has been sharing her experiences through photography, creative
writing, poetry and film. Originally from Vancouver, BC, Rahel has moved to
three countries on her own and hopes to inspire others to travel and learn about
themselves and others in the process. Rahel currently lives in Melbourne,
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