Sunday, 31 March 2013

Our Australian relocation business - Acknowledgments, accolades and appraisals: why they matter

The service industry is built on people who are prepared to go the extra mile: people who do their job because they want to make a difference. For the most part the work they put in is unseen but if it is not performed well is always noticed. So with providing destination services. Much of what we do is unseen: the preparation before someone arrives is enormous but if we do our job well it will seem seamless. Our consultants are caring, committed individuals who are perfectionists: they want everything to be right. Our office is staffed with the kind of people who answer emails at 11pm at night, ‘just check’ at weekends and public holidays and who genuinely care about things going well. How wonderful then for all of us that a text from one of the staff at 7.30am on Good Friday is not about a delayed flight or a client who is facing some difficulty but that we have been shortlisted for an award! Re:locate, the magazine most  relocation specialists and HR professionals read  announced the shortlist for the prestigious international awards for  relocation companies. Elite Executive Services were shortlisted in the Best International Destination Service Provider category.  This is amazing news and Elite is the only shortlisted Australian destination services provider. To be shortlisted for such an award is recognition of all the hard work our team puts in day after day throughout the year and such recognition is important. It reminds us all why we do this just as the appraisals which are returned after each completed assignment remind us that people appreciate what we do and know how difficult it would have been without us.

This is not the first time we have received this kind of recognition. In 2012 Elite Executive Services was  shortlisted for the Asian EMMAs which are the Forum for Expatriate Management Awards. The Categories were: Destination Services Provider of the Year, Best Family Support Programme and Most Innovative Use of Technology in Global Mobility  . Again we would not have stood a chance without our suburb team! And then there was the Mobile App Awards 2012 where we were so excited by the shortlisting of our app in the Australian Mobile App Awards. The competition was huge so it was doubly sweet that that Applocation Australia had been shortlisted.

Awards, accolades and wonderful appraisals are great for keeping our course steady and remind us why we do what we do!

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